I am finishing up drawing characters for a local author’s children’s book and thus I don’t have the time to draw any pages this week or next (Oct. 26th & Nov. 2nd). In the meantime, I’ll give you a remix of last year’s Halloween drawings put together into one handy image. I added in some background stuff like extra trees, clouds, some bats, and funky lines that were supposed to represent marshland but looked cool anyway. I did a little touch-up of the foreground as well by adding in some blood on the gang where the zombies have torn their clothes, a few evil pumpkins, plus a bush to hide the fact that I didn’t draw the entire sexy zombie who is ripping Bud’s pants off. The drawings last year were mock comic covers and she went off the cover thus why she wasn’t completed. 

The image below is linked to a desktop sized version if you’re so inclined to download and decorate your computer’s screen with my silly drawings.


“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” was a great film to watch while stoned and/or drunk back in the late 1970s when I was in college. The cosplaying and singing-along wasn’t a big deal back then, or I just don’t remember it. Either way, let’s do the “Time Warp” again for old time’s sake! If my hips can take all that jumping around that is.