Welcome to Part 2 of my 2022 review! Make way for the sexy stuff that makes this comic fun to read and look at! (Hit the “prev” button above if you haven’t read Part 1 yet)

I push boundaries of my self-imposed PG-17 rating for the comic. You old-time readers know I refuse to draw porn simply because it is so readily available on the internet, so why should I waste my time competing in that arena? But, when I let the skin fly from time to time, I get a few nasty emails or comments on social media about how I’m either a dirty old man (I’m not) or I’m exploiting my female characters (um… only 50/50 on that one). If you have actually read the comic, you know that Robyn and Lorraine are in complete control of their sex lives, and they imposed very early on a “no sex” rule with Bud and Jeff when forming the band. I broke this rule just once in the “Hemp Island” story with Bud and Robyn, then I had Old Bud and Lorraine hook up, but that was 40 years after the adventures in 1977 took place. So I’ve stuck to my own rules. Unfortunately for Jeff, he’s never scored with either Robyn or Lorraine. Bass players rule!

So I’ve put poor ol’ Jeff in the center of these sexy drawings of Robyn and Lorraine from 2022. The bottom row are newly drawn images for the “Hemp Island” book that I will someday have printed. I stretched artistically a bit with the center image of the top row when I attempted to draw Lorraine and Robyn in an Anime style. I didn’t really pull it off as basically I just made their eyes much bigger. I’m going to try that again in 2023 now that I’ve watched a bit more Anime. On a side note, I dove into a bit of Hentai and WHOA! Talk about cartoon porn. Man!

“The Unknown Soldier” by the Doors is not a New Year’s Eve song, but the end chorus going “And, it’s all over, the war is over. It’s all over.” Backed up by an ever-growing cacophony of cheering crowds and bells tolling, it has that end-of-the-year feel to it. Regardless, if you agree or not, it’s the song I picked. ?