…To the show that never ends. Well, it will, just not anytime soon.

Happy F**kin’ New Year! I’ll be brief but my life since we last chatted has been an utter sh*t-show. Mainly dealing with my wife’s brother’s death on Christmas morning. Plus internal family stress that we all experience, but it was cranked to 11 due to the passing of my wife’s brother. I won’t go into detail, but you all can imagine the crap I’ve dealt with. 

So the two months I was going to take off to start up a buffer for the comic never materialized due to all those other incidents mentioned above. So, I’m moving the restart of the Taking On New York story until March 1st. We’ll kick it into overdrive in time for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. 


There will be a steamy Valentine’s Day pin-up that is already done and in the pipeline to be posted early February 14th. I think you all will dig it as it’s something I’ve had requested MANY times over the past 15 years, so get ready for that. 

Above is the Plan 9 rockin’ out poster I’m working on. NO… they will not be naked. That’s how I start all my characters. I get the anatomy correct, then I draw in their clothing. I’ll have that done here in the next few days, or so. 

I know many, many folks  have it much, much worse than me, so I can’t complain. But I still do. Life has felt like a “Highway to Hell” of late. It is getting better, and I’ll keep the pedal-to-the-metal on this highway in the meantime.