Okay, you are about to ask “Byron, what in the hell has this got to do with 1977?” and the answer is absolutely nothing. But…

I’ve been super busy helping the farmers market, where my wife sells her pottery on a weekly basis, with their social media accounts and promotion. It’s working well, but it has eaten up a lot of my time since the market kicked off at the beginning of April. Now that I have it jumpstarted, that process will not eat up as much of my time. 

Then, on top of that, today (April 18th, 2022, for those of you reading this at a later date) is my 40th wedding anniversary. And of course, today is the deadline for filing your 2021 taxes, and that ate up a lot of time in the past week too. 

But good news! I have rewritten the comics where Sam from “Quantum Leap” takes over Robyn’s body to help get the repairs to Jeff’s burnt out house completed before the gang tears each other apart living together in Robyn and Lorraine’s small rental home. That will kick off at the beginning of May and I hope to have one page a week at that point. We’ll see how it goes. 

So back to Roger and Jessica Rabbit. I actually drew this originally as Lorraine with Roger, but it didn’t seem right, so on Easter Sunday, I drug out the old drawing and updated it with Jessica instead. I was going to leave it unshaded, but then I found this cool “sparkle” brush in Clip Studio Paint (the drawing software I use) that made Jessica’s dress really pop off the screen.  The short below is hilarious and shows the amount of effort put into these cartoons.
