Keeping up with the pirates theme (or pyrates depending on what century it is), here are the sketch versions of Robyn and Lorraine as I update a drawing I did of the whole gang back in 2011 as pirates (I’ll post the original below). The sketches of Bud and Jeff were too rough for me to show just yet, but I’m nearly done with the women. 

You’ll see the finished drawing, but it may not be done until after the holidays as the weeks are passing quickly now. And just in time for Thanksgiving this Thursday, I have another update this Wednesday to set the mood for the long weekend. 

Speaking of weekends… nothing matters but the weekend from a Tuesday point of view… that is according to the Kings’ song “This Beat Goes On/Switchin’ To Glide.” And this week, that is all the more true! Back in 1980, this song was on my turntable and on my car’s cassette player non-stop. I just love this song! Enjoy!