The final countdown is on… and new comics start soon!  

Here’s what happened to prompt this comic.  On Friday, February 3rd, my host, DreamHost, had an FTP attack and some moron deleted ALL the files for the comic website.  Luckily, this dickhead didn’t know I pay for a backup service at the host and nearly every file and, more importantly, the database, was intact.  The big issue was finding the time to restore the site.  I was in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, of all places, having strippers bounce their boobs on my face, drinking Hurricanes, Huge-Ass-Beers, and smoking the best damn cigars ever.  I awoke Sunday morning, what was my 55th birthday, with a decent hangover only to find the comic site down.  Joy of freakin’ joys. Ugh. But, as you can see, it’s fixed. 

So, one more week and we’ll rock this thing.  In the meantime, enjoy some Ten Years After with a really fun little tune from them.  Give it a few seconds as the song starts off with slight radio static and then finally someone starts to tune in various stations until they land on the song.  Cool intro, to say the least… well, at least for us old DJs.