Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Drink some green beer and throw it up on your lawn, makes for good fertilizer. 

All the way back from 2008 and 2010 when I used to do an annual St. Paddy’s Day comic. I quit doing them once I started doing an annual Valentine’s Day & Halloween comics. I took the original inks and redid the coloring, shading, and text. As I look back on the 2010-2012 era of the comic, I am liking the style I had then and I’m considering going back to that style. I would have to re-learn the techniques, but I don’t think it would be that hard. My current style is far too complicated for me to do quickly and efficiently, so this would help get me back on track to doing regular comics again. We’ll see.

All the way from Ireland is Thin Lizzy and my favorite song of there’s. We all need a little “Jailbreak” now and then.