Let’s try this again, shall we?

If you’re just tuning in, this is the updated version of the previous comic. I will tell you all now this comic is why I don’t show the characters performing very often as it is very involved. At least for me it is. All the equipment, crowds, lighting effects, and difficult shadow angles make for one difficult comic to draw and color. Then, to add to that misery, I added in not one, but two throwaway characters that I still have to develop their looks and coloring. And finally, to get the idea across, I had to create 10 panels which makes everything smaller and harder to draw and fit in the dialog. Ah, the joys of creating comics.

Bud’s affliction is actually a real thing. Some men have allergic reactions after the “big event” and the result is a ton of sneezing. It’s not an allergy to sperm, which some women have, but the physical act of crossing the finish line causes an allergic reaction. Rare, but real. And now you know. That was so worth it, wasn’t it? Man, I should stick to fart jokes. 

And I finally remembered a song that has a reference to sneezing, and that would be the Moody Blues’ “Higher and Higher” with the opening line being “Blasting, billowing forth with the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes…” I’m a huge Moody Blues fan, and their fourth album “To Our Children’s Children’s Children” released in late 1969 is one of my favorites from them. Have a listen if you’ve never heard it. It starts off with about a minute of the sounds of rocket engines “blasting, billowing forth” and then the song rocks out. Hey, it was the ’60s, man. 🙂