Back in 2018 I was on a roll updating the “Hemp Island” story with new pages and updated coloring. But life spun me in another direction and those were never completed. Well, I’m slowly making my way through my backlog of work and here’s a new page for you! This is when Lorraine is trying to capture the warthog Pumba (yes, from the “Lion King,” just work with me) and I decided she needed a full page of when she pulls off her bikini bottom as she prepares to overwhelm him with her rather potent farts. 

Here’s some trivia for you: “1977 the Comic” was banned by Google Ads because of a naked butt drawing similar to today’s comic. Apparently Google is sensitive to cartoon butts. I did not challenge it and took it as a high compliment that someone found my comic offensive enough to ban it. I wasn’t making any money from Google Ads anyway, so don’t let the door hit you on the way out Google. 

Today’s song is from 1964 and regained popularity when it was featured in the “Good Morning, Vietnam!” soundtrack. “California Sun” by The Rivieras is one of those great little pop songs of the early ’60’s that makes you wanna get up and swing your hips, much like Lorraine in today’s comic (there’s the tie-in!). Also, my family lived in San Jose in the summer of 1966 as my father took some Masters Degree course or something along that lines. My two older sisters were 19 and 17 at the time and I’m sure enjoyed the California Sun as well as the boys on the beach. 

Also, in the promo photo in the video, not only is the group posed around a car that looks very much like the title vehicle from the 1977 movie “The Car” but the two guitarists on the right side are holding a Gibson SG and a SG bass! Nice! I’m sucker for SGs! Bud plays an SG bass, modeled after my SG bass knock-off.