My apologies for stringing you readers along. It is not intentional.

It’s been a matter of focus, or a lack thereof, for me on drawing anything. It is hard for an artist to describe, but most of us can’t create unless there’s some sort of spark. I lost that spark last year when we purchased a new home and I’ve been busy remodeling the interior ever since. Plus, the house has 1.1 acres of heavily wooded landscaping that has been ignored for many years and I’ve been cleaning up the yard which was full of layers and layers of dead leaves as well as a ton of tiny saplings clogging up the yard.

So I wanted to sincerely apologize for the ongoing delays in creating new pages for the story. The good news is that I finally have a dedicated office where I can create in an inviting and motivating environment. Most of my toys are here, plus I have a huge modeling table set up so I can once again get at the tons of kits I have backlogged that need to be built. Being in a creative environment is helping reignite the spark I need to begin drawing this story again. I’m hesitant to say when I’ll post next, as every time I do, I totally miss the date. Let’s leave it at as soon as I can.

And, you know, it has been a bit “All Too Much” for all of us these past four to eight years. So I’ll leave with you one of George Harrison’s most overlooked songs.