That one in a million shot that only a Norse God could manage.
If Bud is anything like me, and he is, then he is wondering “Why Me?” This comic is based on a present day experience just a week or so ago. I nearly knocked the last roll of TP into the toilet at a client’s office. That would have made their day. And I figured Bud needed to have this experience too.
In 1979, Styx released “Cornerstone” one of their last decent studio albums. After that, Dennis DeYoung decide to go all Broadway on the group and do shit like “Paradise Theater” and “Kilroy Was Here” in concert. Instead of just playing songs, they acted out a story. Stoned audience members had no freakin’ idea what was going on and the tours were not well received, especially the Kilroy tour. That sparked the end of Styx as most of the band just wanted to rock and Dennis was pushing them in the opposite direction. Too bad, as Mr. DeYoung is a talented and truly funny guy as I have heard him many times here on Chicago radio.
I have had to make a bidet out of a toilet in my time.
I can see quickly where the conversation for this comic is going… in the toilet.
This is also another reason to wear underwear… comes in real handy on the highway as a last case scenario. This coming from a man who’s been arrested for doing #2 on the highway late at night.
Looks like Bud will soon need to step into the shower and clean and rinse the floor of the shower.
Why do you think God invented corn cobs or the Sears catalog?
At least it fell into the toilet BEFORE he went. I think I’d rather move before having to go fish that thing out.
Yep, not a plunger big enough to get a roll AND other items down the sewer pipe…
Yeah, still can’t figure this one out. It’s almost always at the point you are ready to, um, ‘do the paperwork’ that one notices the roll is empty.
Amazing how a (back then) 20 cent roll of ass wipe can suddenly be worth its weight in gold!
About 10 years ago I made the acquaintance of a Russian dude named Alexei – a few yrs older than us, who grew up in Soviet-era Russia. We got to talking about how the old Soviet Union was under communist rule.
I asked him if he’d ever seen the movie “Moscow on the Hudson” where Robin Williams playes a Russian circus musician who defects to the US, & if so, how accurate had it been? Turns out he’d seen it & said that it was pretty accurate – especially the part where Williams brings his grandfather back rolls of western toilet paper after coming back from a west European tour, & his Gramps practically swoons…
Alexei said that after rock n roll & blue jeans, about the most coveted item from the west was tp since the Russian stuff was quite literally like cardboard – when you could get it. Folks traveling to the West would try to bring back as much as they could cram into their luggage, (with extra rolls to bribe the customs officials!). Even tho Alexei had been in the US a dozen years when I met him, he said that he always stocked up on tp & made sure that he always had “more than enuff cuz ya just never know!”…
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Yeah, I heard about the rock & roll LPs and jeans for a Latvian reader. The TP thing always amazed me… it’s freakin’ TP… why is it so hard to come by? Who knows. We’re just crazy Americans…
And that’s a good film too.