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Ah, the field of dreams has been found! I have done a LOT of research on both desert islands and hemp. Dense vegetation on an island means a fresh water source of some sort as plants, like us, don’t grow on sea water. And wild hemp can grow just about anywhere warmish, and does not need to be planted. Birds can eat the seeds, fly off and then “deposit” them anywhere. In some states here in the USA, wild hemp still grows rampantly. But, as you’re about to find out, hemp and pot are two different things.

And is Robyn giving Bud the once over in the second frame? Hmmm. Could be. I can say no more. Well, I can, but what fun is that? And since 45% of my audience is female, it’s time we gave the guys some equal time showing off their bodies.

AND… a little nod to St. Patrick’s Day as our resident Irish girl shows us how to speak English like the Irish in those three little panels at the bottom of the page.

Love today’s song by the Beatles. Some of the lyrics come into play in this story as well. Not many, but a couple.