(Due to switching hosts, Friday’s comic posted late. Go take a peek!)

Revenge is a dish best served cold… it is very cold in 1st grade…  Lorraine Strikes Back on Wednesday.

Yes, when I came up with the name “Hairway to Heaven” I immediately Googled the name and indeed found a number of hair salons with that name.  I have learned that nothing is new, so when I come up with a “clever” name or something, I Google it to see who’s already used it and if they’ll get pissed at me using it.  Since it just hair salons, I call dibs on the name.

Randy Newman actually got in a bit of trouble back in 1977 with today’s comic title “Short People” as most folks assumed it was a slam at those height-challenged adults, when in fact it was about grubby little kids that Mr. Newman was referring too.  Having raised three hell-raisers of my own, I can completely associate with the words in the song.  But, my youngest sister, being a tad short, hated the song just the same.  You’re not short, my dear, you’re the perfect height for me to lean on… and that’s what little brothers do.

