Freakin’ Bears Lose! And as part of a bet, I am going to draw Lorraine in a Packer’s jersey, and not much else, so expect that later this week for one and all to see!

1977 the Comic was featured as part of a Classic Rock radio show out of Ireland over the weekend.  The fine hosts, Liam and Tommie, of Needle in the Groove on Dundalk FM were kind of enough to dedicate 90 minutes of air time to play my song list of rock tunes from 1977.  They even phoned me and did a quickie interview.  It is below for your ears to partake.  I don’t swear in this one!  They kick off every Saturday at 3:00pm (Ireland time, 9:00am CST).  Don’t let the accents fool you, they’re great guys!  If the audio player below does not work, here’s the link to the MP3 file.

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Needle in the Groove Classic Rock – Byron Wilkins Interview”]

This week for Members, I not only gave them a sneak preview of the comic (as I do every week) but I also showed how the comic takes form from rough pencils, to finished pencils to the inking and shading stage.  This comic was very time consuming as I had to come up with a new character.  I suck at hair styles so I troll the internet until I find something I can draw.

Maureen is a composite of several of my (ex) girl friends from my ISU days.  And if they read the comic, up yours bitch.  I feel better.  So, yes, this story is based more on me than most of the comics in 1977.  Yes, I did date an older woman (did I invent cougars? Hmmm…)  It was nice, she had a Visa card AND a VCR.  Double-down!  Okay, enough of that before I get nasty emails from the ex’s.

So in  honor of my Irish hosts, here’s Denis Leary’s “Traditional Irish Folk Song”.  I think I’ve had this before, but couldn’t resist putting it up again.  I was on the air in Ireland!  Brilliant!
