Poco has arrived! Perhaps Poco can help Budette in her quest to make the Mystic Frog happy again. Time will tell. Don’t know who Poco is? He’s one of Jeff’s pets and he was introduced in the very first month of the comic back in January of 2008, which is when you learned of Poco’s love for bananas and that “He’s harmless except around bananas.” Check it out here if your feeling saucy. Man, has my style changed since 2008! I cringe looking at those old comics these days.
New to the story? Click on the “Mystic Frog Starts Here” banner in the sidebar on the left there. Then you’ll be caught up!
Trivia for the day: I have drawn Bud as Budette with blue tops since 2009. He’s a guy transformed into a woman, so to keep track of his masculine side, Bud wears blue tops. Now, the very first time I drew Buddette, it was a yellow top, but since 2009, Budette has been shown in blue tops.
Double entendre with the song of the day as I picked The Crickets’ “Oh Boy!”. I know, this is not from the ’70s, but Bud is named after Buddy Holly’s real name of Charles (it’s in the archives at the beginning of the “Lost Weekend” story). So, it fits on so many levels. Dig it, man. 🙂
Classic Paco. 🙂
I wonder if Bud can go to any human for help on this problem ? 🙁
I mean who can help a mystical frog find happiness ?
You’re getting ahead of the class here… 🙂
This is getting my imagination working but I’m not going to post my idea just in case it’s correct.
I’m not very deep or that clever… so my stories aren’t that hard to figure out. It’s more the fun we have together as the story unfolds. The fun for me is drawing them. I get knocked by some folks for not having stronger story lines, but hey, I like them, they make me laugh and I’m in total control here, so… There you go. 🙂
I like them, there mellow to read and you don’t need to take notes.
Brought to you by John Mellencamp Hurts So Good
Poco is harmless, unless he sneezes FIRE!
Yep… allergy season for Poco is pure hell. 🙂
Heh, I wear a LOT of blue. Some 70’s stuff. Some of my 70’s watches! 1969 to 1976
I sill see your pics go up on Flickr from time to time… heh, time. 🙂
Don’t feel bad about your earlier work. I’m still working through some issues myself what with drawing enough detail in my characters to make them recognizable no matter how many characters I add and adding background. Also, when I started I forgot to draw things such as ears, chins and breasts on my characters. I’m also still learning how to use computer tools to draw strips.
Took me two years to become even the slightest bit confident with the drawing tools and my style. I would say around 2010 I started believing in my own talents and started to like my stuff. It’s hard as artists, we’re own worst critics. Do what you do, it will improve if you do enough. From 2007 to 2010, I drew every day. Sometimes crap, but I drew. Keep at it man!
Poco, man? Gotta catch ’em all!
I had not thought of that pun! May have to use that one… 🙂
Question. According to Bud’s mom, Jeff, et. al., left.
But isn’t that Jeff’s house? Or did I miss a move?
Bud still is Jeff’s tenant, so just because Jeff went to California for a while doesn’t mean Bud had to move out. So, yep, it’s still taking place in Jeff’s house. I know this story goes back a while, so it’s good to ask questions like that. I’ve made bigger mistakes. 🙂
it’s a little off of the subject. Did you see the movie “Rock of Ages.”
So, if Bud looks like a lady… you know the question that has to come next?!? Will he have a thing for… cherry pie? [smirk] [its a 1990’s song shout out, but it fits!]