Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. First Bud and Lorraine had sex, then we saw Bud’s drugs of today and finally some rock and roll! But the yet unnamed daughter is correct to have a bad feeling about them playing. More on Monday.
I’ve been near death ill this week. I have had a nasty head cold that settle in both ears causing some infections and big time dizzy spells. As such, I’m NOT at the Toronto Fan Expo convention this weekend. I’ll instead be sitting around my house trying to keep my lunch down. It is NOT easy to draw a comic while dizzy. Of course I had to have a busy comic this time too with a full group shot in the end frame. Considering my eyes are crossed most of the time at the moment, this one is not too bad.
The Stones say it best… “It’s Only Rock and Roll… But I Like It” Rock.
When ya gotta rock ya gotta rock
Damn straight…
Little Miss Not-Perfect lookin’ so happy she could just ….
Impromptu jam session! They’s can be the best, and good practice for an upcoming gig. Unless, of course, modern security thinks it’s a terrorist attack or something. I mean, coming from the #6th worst album of the 70s, easy mistake to make, right? Hope they remember how they escaped the Latvians after that rousing Beatles number they played … 😉
Sorry to hear you’re sick, boss. Take it easy, get well & don’t stress. Missing the exact deadline for one strip pays off when you get better & all the others fall into place (more or less) on schedule.
Thursday’s are the days I said would be done unless life got in the way, but I would make it up and put out two comics per week. That’s my deal to you guys and I’ve stuck with it. I have done two strips per week since my return.
If I have a 5 day con, and the Monday comic hits Tuesday, come on, I’m only one guy doing this. I know you’re not complaining, as you’re a long time reader, but I’m very serious about doing two comics a week. And not to pat my self on the back, but one page of my comic is equal to or greater than two standard paper strips any day. They’re also in full color with shading and highlights.
I put a lot of work into each page, about 8 hours in total. I just think you all should know I just don’t whip these things out in my sleep. I’m taking the comic very seriously and want to hit my marks and I think I’ve done that and more since my return.
That’s what I was trying to say … I love this comic to death, man. Your health is more important than any one strip. Do not want to see any stress … or give you any … over getting sick. That way we get more of them in the long run. See? I’m a greedy bastard after all. 😉
I’ve worked some miserable, falling-down ill weeks of my life and don’t wish that on anyone. I’m not watching the clock for when these show up; quite the opposite, actually. Just felt bad that you got hit so hard and that you missed the Con; I know how important that is and you probably took a royal screwing on messed up plans, missed sales, and nonrefundable fees. Wish I had something more than sympathy to offer right now. Peace, dude.
I know I ranted there, and trust me, YOU were not the target of that at all, it just ended up on your comment. Bad timing on my part.
Yes, the illness just added to one of many things that got f***ed up this year. My wife’s on-going medical issues are a huge stress, and I don’t talk about them publicly out of respect to my wife and also it has a tendency to bum folks out and you all come here to get a chuckle.
I have been uber pissed at myself for having such a crappy update schedule for the first 7 months of 2011. Not something I wanted. So I was really trying to say that despite all that’s going on behind the scenes (and it’s a lot) that I’m determined to keep the comic coming twice a week. Give a day or so either way. I think most of you are very understanding individuals, but some are not.
Sorry to have ranted on you comment, man. I owe you a beer! 🙂
No harm no foul. You owe me exactly three-quarters of five-eighths of jack-all of futz-nothing, guy. The debt is mine. Buy you a beer the day I actually get my feet back under me.
Wasn’t ignoring this, BTW. I’m a bit left of Philly these daze and been fighting the edge of a hurricane the last 24 hours or so. Power just came back up & I’m stalking around the house resetting clocks & checking for tree & flood damage & such. Amazing difference from 1977, when nobody could imagine the Interwebz … and now I go into catatonic withdrawal if the power & umbilical are out for 12 hours. :coldsweats:
“We can’t all be perfect, sweetie.” ROFL That’s one of the best comebacks I’ve ever read.
Thanks for catching that! I love that line! 😛
Maybe it could end up well for the gang, given that they are a former band.
Also, long time reader of the strip, but I’m a first time poster on here. 😀
I must say it is a truly enjoyable series of misfits in the late 70s. 😀
I was wondering if you were to ever do a “Shaft” moment in the comic ? 😀
Lots of people like you never comment but enjoy the comic all the same. I enjoy hearing from readers, but I also know there a LOT of readers who don’t comment. I’m not one to leave a comment on most of the comics I read on line as well… frankly, I don’t think I have that much to say.
But glad to have you along for the party! I have ton of movie references I’ve never gotten too. I should do a movie month and do take offs of the big, and not so big, movies of the 70s.
I do tend to comment on some, but only occasionally have anything to say about 1977. Byron, I hope your website hit counter is showing that yes, people really are reading the comic.
Oh, yes, there’s a TON of readers who don’t comment. And no worries on my part… I know they’re there.
When you’ve got rock’n’roll you’re never bored. We got all our rock CDs ready for a road trip this weekend.
Get better soon, Byron. 🙂
ROAD TRIP!! The 70s Anthem! “Load up the cassettes, we’re going to Colorado!” Ah, the good ol’ days….
Have a good trip and this old fart will get better eventually. Sucks getting old…
Rock right the fuck OUT!!!
And I hope you feel better soon.
*big healing virtual manly rock-n-roll hugs for thee*
“Manly” hugs are the best… knew this woman from Austria once… she could crack my spine with her hugs… loved her!
And let’s everyone shout out “Fuck yeah!!” for a Friday! Because we can…
Eek! Driving or flying in that condition is DEFINITELY a no-go area! Hope you’re less swimmy-headed by now o_0 You have my sympathy, as one of the frequent recurring symptoms of my own long-running chronic illness is dizziness, and it’s always that much worse when I have a cold.
As for the lads, that’s a session that just HAD to happen. Though as some commenters have already pointed out, these days making joyful noises in airports is probably considered to be a terrorist act.. And the world grows ever darker…
They should not have done it thanks to the neocons patriot act they could find their way to GITMO with all can drink water boarding and little electo shock torture. Worse the little naked John Ashcrofts dancing around you saying lalalalalala they broke anyone.
I have read all of your comments you have left today. Nothing makes me happier than to see a reader going through the archives and leaving comments. You have made my day, man. Thank you!