We have seen the aftermath of Robyn’s temper, but I’m fairly sure I’ve never really shown her in the act of smacking someone.  Why not end the week on a satisfying “POW!” from the old Batman TV show?  Damn straight. Well, so much for that…  I changed the third panel.  The first version didn’t work (as you can read in the comments below) and I decided to change it all together.  The first version, for those of you that missed it, had Robyn’s arm apparently in the act of punching the boss, but I didn’t do a great job of rendering the scene, so I dumped it.  Never done that before, but what the heck.

FIVE COMICS this week again!  All in color!  Come on, let’s hear it for the very tired artist!

We start up Jeff’s “Get A Job” segment next week.  Promises to be fun.  But in the meantime, we may take a short pit stop with Bud and Lily too.  We’ll see…

One more time to Dave Edmunds.  Had to work this one in.  1970 was a great year for hard rock singles.  “Mississippi Queen” “Let’s Work Together” “Whole Lotta Love” “House of the Rising Sun” and a lot more.  This one is a real toe tapper and a throw back to the “oldies” sound of the 60s.  It is funny how we considered the 60s tunes “oldies” in like 1970. The music scene had evolved from the Beach Boys sounds to the sounds of Cream and Hendrix.  For the better too, I might add.  Enjoy your weekend!
