OooO! A Sex Pistols’ song to go along with our first official boob joke of the new storyline!  Chicks with racks in black t-shirts drive old men crazy.  Thank you, my dears! Also, I’m trying to keep up my reputation of “the best tit comic strip artist” on the web.  I shall do my best.  And my, oh my, what is Lorraine doing with her right hand as she thinks about kissing all those fat-cat Republicans?  Oh yeah, the Sex part of Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll has arrived…

I am not one to get political, but Republicans do get the best chicks.  Must be the money clip.  I am a Democrat in the western suburbs of Chicago where “Democrat” is a four-letter word.  I’ve learned to avoid discussing politics and shall continue that line here.  But let me say this, Rush Limbaugh, in my opinion, is a gas bag full of shit.  Moving on…

But, if you get to meet chicks like Lorraine by being a Republican, I may have to reconsider my stance…

A big ol’ “Hey Howdy Hey!” to all the new readers!  Welcome to the party, pal!

