Roll the dice and… Lucky 7’s for Bud! Ah, but with success around the corner, what’s gonna happen to his soul? Hmmm? Well, we have a few distractions to take care of first. More tomorrow, and this time I mean it.
Supertramp’s 1979 album “Breakfast In America” was their best selling record with two, yes two, Top 10 hits here in the USA. They would not enter the Top 10 again, but came close in 1982 with “It’s Raining Again”. I have “Crime of the Century”, “Even in the Quietest Moments” and of course “Breakfast”. I’ve played “Goodbye Stranger” and really dug playing it; kinda a feel good song. I picked “Gone Hollywood” for today’s comic for this lyrical passage:
“So keep your chin up boy
Forget the pain
I know you’ll make it
If you try again
There’s no use in quitting
When the world is waiting for you”
Bud’s kept his chin up and now it’s pay day!
EDIT: Found a source to put in music files into the comic posts! Thanks to reader QKA and George Ford of “Addanac City” now the comic’s will have some music to fill your day! This song fades in slowly, so give it time to come up on your speakers…
Discussion (31) ¬ I am confused. Are her breasts real?
Well, since she’s the Devil and can assume any form, I guess you’d consider them real enough. Let’s just say they’re not the L.A. fake boobs we’re use to seeing!
Linky to YouTube? – or would that not be considered legal
Yeah, I thought about YouTube, but most of the videos there are not legal, and there’s no way for the listener to buy the song. I’m trying to attract attention from music companies and radio stations, and if they see folks buying product from the comic, then that helps.
I’m not trying to commercialize the heck out of the comic either. But I think having a “listen to a sample” like on iTunes would be cool to have, and if someone wanted to buy, then they could. It seems like a natural tie in to my ovreall theme.
I’m sure there’s something out there that does this!
Oh, wow! I would love to see a check like that in my hands. 🙂
I don’t have many desires and it would not take much for me to retire. 50 Grand isn’t quite there, but it’d be a big push for sure.
The only thing that would scare me about a 50 grand check is the fact the issuer expects 100 grand worth of results from me. That’s the pressure that made Dave Chappelle go crazy. 🙂
Supertramp is another one of those bands that spent a good while as my favorite, and still elicits a nostalgic smile today.
$50,000? That’s hard money to walk away from.
I still listen to Supertramp and the songs still sound great today.
Yep, I’d cash the check and do what ever it was they wanted. I have few scruples.
Ya bloody well right! Supertramp made quite the timeless song with “Logical Song”… the political overtones still ring true today.
“Watch what you say, or they’ll be calling you a radical, a liberal, a fanatical criminal…” …those lyrics could’ve been made in 2004, let alone 1979.
And you’re bloody well right! It’s funny, but most of the social and economic themes of 1977 are coming around here in 2009. Many things, like oil prices, housing issues, equal rights, bad economy, faulty stock market, our political system upside down, and others are just as prevalent today as they were in 1977.
I could make many jokes that would hit a nerve today, but I’m staying with the rock and roll theme for now. Would be fun to do though…
Wow, Bud is really in a sticky spot. With a check like that in his hands he’s apt to agree to anything. Greed is a very slippery road, and Bud is sitting at the 4 way stop trying to figure out which way to turn.
Well, rest assured, no matter what Bud decides things will always work out for him. I have always landed on my feet, even after disasters, so I am sure Bud will too!
There’s a big hint at what’s coming!
For tunes, ask George Ford at Addanc City about Grooveshark. (Actually I’m surprised he didn’t mention it in his post above, unless he contacted you on a back channel.)
It is pretty unobtrusive, and I say that as someone who gets easily annoyed by things that slow me down or get in my way on the Web.
I believe that you can link directly to a song iTunes, but I haven’t seen anything as slick as Grooveshark. You’re also limited to a first 30 seconds sample.
Like an idiot, I’ve been to George’s site like… daily… and why I didn’t think of that beats the hell out of me. The answers are always right under you nose… you just have to look down!
Thanks! I’ve added the songs to a few of the more recent posts… I may go back and do more as time permits! Now you can rock while you’re here… cool.
Glad to hear that I could help out.
Having the tunes to go with your titles is a sweet idea! Most of the tunes you mention I know, but every now and then you slip and obscure one in. Being able to hear it from a link on your pages will be great!
Supertramp was one of the more underrated bands of the 70s and 80s. “Cannonball” was a great song, and they had a lot of jazz influences. Great stuff. Love the addition of the songs…talk about a natural tie in!
Yeah, now everyone will know what the hell it is I’m talking about with some of the obscure songs. Harder to find, but fun none the less.
I am looking to find a Classic Rock FM station to work with me on the comic as I think that audience would love reading the antics of 1977!
I’m always on the prowl for new promotional ideas…
Wonder how much it’d be to start your own internet radio station….I’d be a willing DJ. 🙂
Wow – $50,000 in ’70s money is more like a million-and-a-half dollars now. I’m just now reading a novel calledSwim to Me; it takes place in the early-mid ’70s, and the prices startled me until I recalled how much a dollar used to be worth back then.
Thank you VERY much for the music linkage. That’s a great feature, especially for this comic!
My old college roommate mentioned it to me, so my hat is off to Jeremy for that!
Yeah, if someone had dropped $50K on my in 1977, I wouldn’t know what to do with it all. But, we’d blow it soon enough. I mean, Trans Ams were under $10K fully loaded.
Trying to sort out the “breasts” comment given that this is California AND we are being talked at by the Prince(ss) of Lies who isn’t even mamalian let alone human (fallen angel – sexless unless I misremember my theology) has given me a multiple nested negation headache. Thank you very much Byron.
Crime of the Century. Wow. One of my favourite albums with a very “spare” musical production I found oddly dissatisfying for years yet still avidly listenable-to. Another paradox. My faves from it are “School” and the title track, especially the fade out. A perfect ending for that album.
I feel kinda sorry for the now generation. The music scene was so full of innovation in the last thirty years. All I’ve heard sold as ‘new music” recently has been retreads of stuff done between 1970 and 1990. Who will give the current crop of music fans the sheer jaw-dropping awe of a paradigm-busting Led Zeppelin (or indeed the ethereal beauty of a Supertramp)? No doubt this is just me being a Grumpy Old Man, buchano, my kid is occasionally stunned by what she hears when her old man is allowed to select the music to drive by. I exposed her to “Scary Monsters”, “OMD’s Greatest Hits” and “Pictures at an Exhibition” in the last few weeks.
“That song was about the bombing of Hiroshima? I was rocking out to that!”
One to grow on.
I was hesitant to introduce the Devil character due to all that it represents in the world… I figured it would turn a few folks off. But, if you can’t have a cartoon devil, then the world is just not right. I think we all know she’s not going to win, unless I bring the comic to a screeching and terrifying end (and I’m just that crazy…), so I figured have a little fun at the devil’s expense.
Music ain’t what it was. I’m not an old fart speaking, it is just so corporate it’s not even funny. Yeah, yeah, big companies ran the music industry all along, but still folks like Bowie or the Stones would put something out that turned folks heads. I don’t see that today.
I bet Bud blows the lot on:
1) Weed
2) A New Amp
3) A New Strat (Careful, Eugene)
4) Weed
Well, Bud being me… he’d buy a new bass for sure, but not a Fender. I hate Fenders… but that’s just me. LOVE the classic 4001 Rickenbacker bass, so he may get one of those…
But you are on the right path, they are all headed out for a shopping spree. Welcome to L.A.!
“dope will get you through times with no money, better than money will get you through times with no dope.” The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Go and score a lid of dope, Freddy.
And *don’t* get burned.
man, i wish you didn’t hate fenders.
while i hate the company that fender has become, in the 60’s and even after the CBS buyout they were still great instruments.
but you know me, byron, i’m a guitar nerd. 😉
still trying to get rid of my fender jazz so i can get ANOTHER fender jazz…
Well, I don’t hate Fenders, I just don’t like to play them… and that’s me. I admit they’re a really good bass guitar. But, I am also part rebel and it seems EVERY freakin’ bass player was thumpin’ a Fender and you KNOW most of them got the bass not because they liked it but because “so and so” had one and if THEY played it, then they must be the best.
It’s like when the Beatles switched to Rickenbacker guitars… suddenly EVERYONE had to have a Rick. Now those are fine guitars too, but I’m not buying one just because Lennon did. Being from a farm you quickly learned that if you followed the herd, sometimes you got slaughter as they were walking into the butcher’s shop.
Look off the path once and a while. Just my 2-cents and it ain’t worth that.
Does Bud get to become the Phantom of the Paradise? Do we get a Paul Williams song??