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A little visual treat for you all today as I break with the normal 6-panel format and go for something a bit more creative. I’m catching you up that it has been 10 days now and they’re all getting a little ragged around the edges, both physically and mentally. Bud to the rescue as he starts fishing. More fishing fun on THURSDAY as I catch us up for the three weeks I was out of commission. I’m feeling better and hope to keep it that way now that the nice weather has finally come into full bloom here in the Midwest.

From 1979, I give you”Fish Heads.” EDIT: “Fish Heads” was way too fucking annoying to have on this post. Enjoy some Heart instead!

Now, for a real rock song with a fish in the title is Heart’s “Barracuda” which would be one of the songs I’d have to have if I were ever stuck on a desert island.