Anything but that to a stoner… 🙂
Comic title is a great Talking Heads tune that the comedian Gallagher uses to close his shows for many a year back in the 90s. Best friend of mine got us FRONT row seats for a Gallagher show for my 30th birthday. I came home with chocolate milk and cottage cheese on me, plus a little jello. Not bad for his shows…
Discussion (4) ¬
Only a brave man sits up front for Gallagher. Or a hungry one.
A lot of people make fun of Gallagher, but he’s funny and makes good points about life in general. I’ve always enjoyed him, even when he got a bit weird there toward the end of his “mainstream” career. Got his autograph at a New Years Eve show and he was very cool even though he was working a “holiday.”
I’ve always thought he was hysterical. And of course he can’t get me through the TV screen.