It’s raining a wardrobe! And perhaps a car part or two. The neighbors must be getting pissed about now. Actually I was originally going to do this from the neighbors window, but getting the neighbor, a window, and then our gang in the frame of the window as stuff rained down was loosing the impact of the joke, in my opinion.

In 1979 Pat Travers released a live album, as was mandatory in the 70s it seems, and today’s comic title became a radio favorite and a minor hit for him. Travers is a blazing guitarist that never quite got the proper shakes in the music business. A trend, perhaps?

I want to thank everyone for their great comments on Friday’s comic. I was quite pleased with the participation and the ease in which everyone told their story or point of view. I’ve said it before, but I have the best readers in the business, so you all can take a small bow… just make sure your boss isn’t looking.