And for those of you who slept through Sunday due to an overly active Saturday night, WELCOME BACK! 🙂
I did build my own 4 in/2 out line mixer in 1977. Actually photo etched the circuit board and everything. I was still in the “build it yourself and save money” attitude. That went away the following year and I put my soldering iron and Heathkit catalogs away forever. I was once very good at electronics but I have forgotten it all by now.
“Bad Reputation” was a 1977 album and song from Thin Lizzy. The song apparently inspired some 80s rock bands. Everyone remembers Thin Lizzy’s “Boys Are Back In Town” but I’m partial to “Jailbreak” and this title. Good rockers.
Discussion (21) ¬
welcome back byron good to see updates again.hope you had a great vacation
The only “Bad Reputation” I knew was Joan Jett’s, but Thin Lizzy’s kicks ass as well! (And “Jailbreak”‘s my fave TL song too!)
Don’t see your vote button. Site looks cool otherwise.
they gonna burn one while they work?
I’ll be adding in the vote buttons and stuff here soon. Lena and I are still getting some shit together.
RE: Thomas – Yeah, I remember Joan Jett’s version and it was more popular, but hey, this version even came out in 1977… so I had to use that! 🙂
RE: 11 in 1977 – Well, this “vacation” was a working one, but it did allow me to get caught up on a lot of things. Getting the book re-done and the new site design was worth the time off alone.
Now to crank out some comics! 🙂
Heh-heh…it’s all about networking, huh? 🙂
Great stuff as always. 🙂
Thin Lizz rocks 😀
As does Byron and the new site, of course!
Aaaand… your should be you’re, I believe
That’s how many have probably skated by in high school as well. At least with a “B”, for “baggie”.
Welcome back Byron.
Yeah, the PC “revolution” pretty much killed off the market for hobby electronics in the USA. There’s still a small interest in the UK I understand, but nothing like it was when I bought bunches of Maplin kits to build electronic percussion devices (Tunable tom-toms, chimes, wave FX and a nice ten step (!) gangable sequencer). Sadly, all triggered on a positive going edge. The pre-midi standard for CV and Gate tech was negative going edge (of course) so making all those kits work with my Roland drum machine was a bit beyond my skills. I thought an op-amp used to invert the signal might do the trick but never tried it out, which is probably why I still have the drum machine rotting away in my basement.
Speaking of rotting electronics, this’ll make you cry: I found my old (but otherwise mint) Roland SH101 leadline synth and tried it out the other day. It turned out I had put it away some 16 years ago without “parking” the sliders and one of them was now, as a result, scratchy. This caused a burst of alarm in Mr Brain so I spent the day digging out my mothballed-around-the-same-time four track Tascam Portastudio. Yep. You guessed it. Scratchy #3 pan pot.
Let this be a lesson. When you pack your electronics away “for a short time”, park all the pots and sliders somewhere where you’ll never use them for real in performance mode.
I have no idea how I’ll ever replace the buggered pots.
BTW: You draw nice hands. Take you long to master that particular skill?
RE: roxysteve – Your memory of electronics astounds me… of course I killed most of those brain cells in the 70s.
You can try turning the pot back and forth (or up and down) rapidly for a temporary fix. Pot cleaners are at Radio Shack too. Hey, pot… no wonder I went into audio originally.
As far as hands I’ve worked on those a lot. I still think certain angles I mess up. Also, my hands look much better in “sketch” mode too. I’m working on the inking skills. But, yes, it took me a long time to get hands just right.
I’m working on feet now… they’re not as easy as you’d think! 🙂
I loved Thin Lizzy,Phil Lynott died of the same thing I was in hospital with at the time.Ruined my Christmas.
I think that might out to read “I’ll save a lot of cash.”
I’m liking the way you’re moving the story while keeping the jokes. Funny and Plot are mortal enemies, and it takes skill to make them work together. Bravo!
Okay, where are you guys when I’m writing this stuff? No matter how many times I look at a script, it never fails to have issues. This is number 2 for this comic. It must have been the “long” vacation!
Like the new site, very nice. I see you updated the header a little… it’s better. Maybe there’s a way to fade back the text on the rolling papers, to even further exhance the “1977” logo? Eh, I’m being picky.
There is one thing that unites us all, huh? and it’s comes in a brown paper baggie. lol
Excellent new site. 😀
Totally diggin’ the new site. It looks awesome!