Nitrous Oxide was used in World War II as a boost for fighter planes apparently, and what a blast that must have been… except for all the shooting and stuff…Β  I loved drawing the second panel but it took forever and it’s always risky trying high angles like that.

Anyway, Part Two TOMORROW as I sneak an extra comic in on a Tuesday.Β  The “Road Trip” series will be more of an on-going story as opposed to the “joke-of-the-day” comics I normally write.Β  Bear with me, hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as I am.Β  I’ve been writing this part all damn year, so it better be good or truly I would suck.

Deep Purple’s “Machine Head” was a smash of an album for them and nearly all the tracks were played on FM stations all across the country.Β  One of my favorite tracks is “Highway Star” as it opens with these lyrics:

“Nobody gonna take my car,
I’m gonna race it to the ground
Nobody gonna beat my car
It’s gonna break the speed of sound…”

I think Bud is about to break wind, not the speed of sound, if you ask me.