An avid reader (Phil!) asked me last week what had become of Jeff’s pets.  I had a story arc that was to explain where they are presently (as Jeff’s house is at the moment condemned) but with the start of the new year and the “BIG” story, I essentially put that on the back burner.

Rest easy, you are about to find out where Jeff’s pets are. 🙂  We shall continue on with band’s antics after this brief animal pause.

For my birthday in 1977, Pink Floyd released “Animals” and the tour that followed (which I missed, damnit) was full of floating animal balloons that exploded causing all types of havoc on the stoners attending.  Most didn’t notice…

Note: I am returning to the 2008 format for the 3 days a week updates.  The larger format takes too long for me to do three a week.  So I’m thinking of either adding a weekend update or making one comic a week the larger format (kinda like the Sunday funnies used to be larger and the dailies smaller).  Not sure, I’m working on that still.