Been working my butt off on websites and getting new Flash galleries completed. Tons of work, especially when it comes to rendering videos for Flash. The supplied Flash 8 video encoder is taking like over an hour for small videos like 4 or 5 minutes. WTF? They look nice, but come on, I’ve got things to do. Can’t imagine doing a LONG video that way. Crap.

Bud and Jeff enjoy a little centerfold action today with some surprising results. This starts a small story arc where we meet some of Bud’s family. Met Jeff’s last year, now it’s Bud’s turn. Oh, and they got a couch recently replacing the old bean-bag chairs. Didn’t make a big thing out of it, just popped it in one day. I had an ugly beast of a couch like that once with the same horrible color scheme; but it was comfy!