Ah, love is in the air in 1977! From the album cover (Kiss’ “Love Gun”) to the posters in the background in the second frame (Wonder Woman behind Bud and Frampton behind “the girl”), love is going to be a theme for a few comics. How’s it to turn out? I know, ’cause I wrote the bloody thing, but you’ll have to wait for this week’s comics to spill out of my brain on onto the computer screen!

I’m also mixing up the format of the comic to fit the idea, instead of cramming an idea into a fixed format. Most webcomics are still stuck in the “print mode” and stick to a constant format… 3 or 4 frames across and generally 1 column high (remember the old newspaper print specs of columns? Like 1-3/4″ or something?) Again, we’re webcomics and we can mix the format up. I’m not trying to sell this comic into print syndication, purposely, as I want the freedom to do what topics I want and in what format I want. Also, I do color everyday which pleases me a ton. Get over it, it’s the 21st century already…

Oh, yes, Donnie Iris rocks out the title!
