Bud’s transformation into a girl lands him over at Lorraine and Robyn’s place.

In light of today’s comic, here’s a story for you. :

Ever watch a woman golf? Where do those arms go? Over? Under? True golfing story from 1977: I played golf in the summers as I usually worked factory jobs and got off at like 2:00, so you could get 9 holes in and still be home for dinner. My cousin and I went to play and the course was really crowded, so they paired us with a couple of lovely ladies. Now, I’m wearing my trademark baseball cap, BTO t-shirt and really short cut-offs. For most of the course the ladies and us make minor nice chit-chat. I end up in the sand on the ninth hole and as good golfers know, you dig your toes into the sand for a better stance. As I wiggled my shoes into the sand, apparently my ass was wiggling too (I can’t see back there, so how would I know? Huh?) Well, one lady comments “Nice tush, honey!” Well, crap, I wasn’t expecting that in the middle of the day on a golf course from two very quiet women. Now, if I was drunk in a bar… So, I naturally hit the damn ball so far out of the sand I couldn’t even see where it landed. I smiled nicely at them and just pulled another ball out of my bag. We ended the game very quietly as I kept hitting the damn ball all over the place (lost my concentration, you know). We parted nicely, my face still very red. You women!!