I told you about how squirrels were in vogue lately, well, here’s to our fat, friendly friends the frogs. Today’s comic starts off a 3 part story arc that I can expand if I think it’s going well. Also, today’s comic is a “cliff-hanger” of sorts and it’s something I rarely do.

I personally hate cliff-hangers. Especially at the end of a TV show’s season and you have to wait like 5 months to see the resolution. By then, I could care less. I’m also not into shows that have a huge story arc and you can’t just watch an individual episode and enjoy it. Too much to remember in this damn world as it is and I just want to be entertained. If I wanted something to do, I’d start a hobby… oh, wait, I already have like three… crap!

The title is a slight play on the “psychoactive” portions of grass that gets you high… also, it’s the “bud” of the plant used to make pot… OH! Bud’s name is a big pot joke! Now you get it! Wow, man…